Monday, March 31, 2014



 Here is Shadow with his oldest "sister" (my granddaughter). She had been a little under the weather with a fever and sore throat, so in true doxie fashion, he's showing his concern by staying close by.

Does your doxie know when you are upset or don't feel well?  Duke certainly does, and of course, that trait isn't limited to doxies or dogs in general.  People have told stories about their cats knowing and keeping them company.

Duke hovered around me a lot when I came home from the hospital after my knee replacement surgery.  He still wants to sit in my lap a lot more, it seems. 

Dogs ARE man's best friend.  They don't judge, they don't care what we look like, or how much money we have/don't have.  They look at us unconditionally--just as the Lord does.  Acts 10:34: Then Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism."   He loves us because He created us.

And he hovers nearby, too, waiting for us to let Him into our lives. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


With warm weather approaching (supposedly), people turn to such activities and grilling, outdoor activities, and especially picnics. 
All doxie lovers have known for years that our dogs have been called hot dogs, so I thought the pic above was very befitting--not only are they hot dogs, but now they are sporting condiments, too!

Just a fun thought for the day.  Enjoy!

Monday, March 24, 2014


The statement above works well for both children AND dogs--note that they chose a picture of a dachshund to represent dogs!  Apropos--very apropos!
And look at that doxie's expression!

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Doxie granddawg Shadow might not be able to talk, but he can certainly make it abundantly clear which NCAA team he's rooting for! 

And by the way, he and his family live in North Carolina, a hotbed of strong feelings over college teams:  Carolina, Duke, North Carolina State, Wake Forest . . . well, you get the idea.

Most of my family members are diehard Tarheel fans; my brother graduated from UNC, and others are also died-in-the-wool Carolina fans.  Guess I am also, by default :).  Not a rabid sports enthusiast, I do enjoy college basketball the most of all sports.

March Madness is nearly over, with Carolina the only NC team still in the running at this writing.  Duke's loss to Mercer really wreaked havoc on most fans' NCAA brackets, I'm told.

Go, Tarheels!

Friday, March 21, 2014


Well . . . it seems that even dachshunds love Fridays! 
Before I retired from teaching, I figured that Fridays would soon just be another day to me.  Wrong!  I still greet my Fridays with happy anticipation, although I can pretty much do what I want with my day--if I am able to do it right now.  
Since my knee replacement surgery, however, "doing what I want" is after I go to my two-hour physical therapy session (I also go on Mondays and Wednesdays).  Despite my aversion to exercise since I've been an adult, these sessions help so much with swelling, flexibility, and range of motion.  It is actually fun, commiserating with fellow sufferers (that's a joke, of course), and the therapists are the greatest.  And I salute all the physical therapists out there who help folks like me to improve our quality of life.
But I digress.  HAPPY FRIDAY, EVERYONE!  May your weekend be blessed. 


Thursday, March 20, 2014


Yes!  What dawg (especially a dachshund) doesn't love bacon??  My doxie Duke goes bananas when we have it at mealtime.  His nose is aware of it even before we push the start button on the microwave!  As it cooks, his eyes grow larger, he begins licking his lips, and when we take it out of the microwave, he starts jumping for joy!  He tail looks like a windshield wiper on high speed, too.

Does your dog also love bacon?  I can understand why, because I'm a bacon lover myself.  For breakfast, on BLTs, in casseroles, on burgers . . . well, it's delicious, especially when fried up extra crispy.

Bacon is just one of those foods that's good in many dishes, and dogs just instinctively know that. 

Hooray for bacon!


Friday, March 14, 2014


Sorry I haven't posted much lately.  I've been recuperating from my knee replacement surgery, and with my three-days-a-week physical therapy, I'm coming along nicely!  By the way, I "get" to have my other knee done the first week of May--it has been giving me a lot of trouble, and my ortho doctor tells me it is a bad as the other one . . .
Today I want to feature my granddawg Shadow.  At age 13, he's the patriarch of the animals in our family:  Duke, our doxie; Tate, Joey, Winston, Piper, and Aslan, the cats.  Aslan is Siamese and deigns to give Shadow a "bath" every night when they are relaxing on the couch.  Shadow, of course, loves it, and Aslan certainly seems to do so in a loving manner.
Animals add so much to our lives, don't you agree?  Duke makes me laugh daily, no mean feat right after my surgery.  Don't even ask me about that first week afterwards.  In a word, "OUCH."  Hardly any pain now, thank goodness.
Enjoy these pics of Shadow below:
Sunning himself, something he enjoys

Yawning:  is he bored already??
With Piper, his Norwegian
Forest cat buddy

Relaxing with his "sisters"
(aka the granddaughters)
Relaxing with Aslan when
Aslan was just a kitten

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