Friday, March 21, 2014


Well . . . it seems that even dachshunds love Fridays! 
Before I retired from teaching, I figured that Fridays would soon just be another day to me.  Wrong!  I still greet my Fridays with happy anticipation, although I can pretty much do what I want with my day--if I am able to do it right now.  
Since my knee replacement surgery, however, "doing what I want" is after I go to my two-hour physical therapy session (I also go on Mondays and Wednesdays).  Despite my aversion to exercise since I've been an adult, these sessions help so much with swelling, flexibility, and range of motion.  It is actually fun, commiserating with fellow sufferers (that's a joke, of course), and the therapists are the greatest.  And I salute all the physical therapists out there who help folks like me to improve our quality of life.
But I digress.  HAPPY FRIDAY, EVERYONE!  May your weekend be blessed. 


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