Saturday, March 22, 2014


Doxie granddawg Shadow might not be able to talk, but he can certainly make it abundantly clear which NCAA team he's rooting for! 

And by the way, he and his family live in North Carolina, a hotbed of strong feelings over college teams:  Carolina, Duke, North Carolina State, Wake Forest . . . well, you get the idea.

Most of my family members are diehard Tarheel fans; my brother graduated from UNC, and others are also died-in-the-wool Carolina fans.  Guess I am also, by default :).  Not a rabid sports enthusiast, I do enjoy college basketball the most of all sports.

March Madness is nearly over, with Carolina the only NC team still in the running at this writing.  Duke's loss to Mercer really wreaked havoc on most fans' NCAA brackets, I'm told.

Go, Tarheels!

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