Monday, May 5, 2014


Here's at least one grandma who no longer knits, crochets, or embroiders!  I actually did those things IN MY TWENTIES . . . but can't muster up enough interest in doing so now.  I've moved on, so to speak.

Oh, there's absolutely nothing wrong with those things . . . if it is something you enjoy.  It's just that I no longer enjoy doing any of them.  I like to read, write, play with my doxie, and spend time with family and friends, especially the grands.  After my next knee replacement surgery (on May 20), and I've completely healed, I'm going to dive in head first and do some serious writing.  My first knee replacement is doing well, but that's not to say that all my stamina is back yet.

We found a baby blanket I had crocheted for our youngest daughter Bethany when she was a baby.  I used the shell stitch and the colors of light blue and yellow.  She no longer needs it, obviously, and neither do we (even more obviously), but I just cannot part with it.  After all, it took me hours to make that blanket, and it means a lot to me--precious memories, for one thing.


Being a grandma these days is so much more than sitting in a rocking chair with a shawl around my shoulders, knitting or crocheting away.  It also means spending time with and loving those grandchildren--and I especially enjoy being silly with them.  The time will come all too soon that they might think I just act too silly for them.

I suppose I'll have to grow up then . . . but for now, I'll keep doing silly things that they enjoy:

* "Where's Grandma?" I play this with Asher - I hide my face behind my hands, and when he
opens them, I make a silly face.  He laughs every single time, and I love it.  Who wouldn't?

* Giving a silly running commentary about a commercial on TV, putting my own spin on it.

* Looking at a woman's magazine and making up outrageous stories to go with the pictures of makeup, food, housewares--what have you.

* Dressing up in an outlandish costume and making up a play with the granddaughters as we go along.

* Pretending to be one of Asher's superhero toys - he and I each pretend to be a superhero (Batman, Superman, Captain America, etc,.), and using the toy, we interact with each other.  That boy has quite an imagination for a four year old!

* Playing card games such as "War" or "Uno"  with Annika and Alexa.  I always say I'm going to win, but I often don't, much to their delight.

* Drawing silly pictures for Asher, all the while saying he won't be able to guess what I'm drawing.  Of course he does, and I feign disappointment that he can figure out what I drew.  He loves that!

* "Make up a story" - I'll start out with a sentence:  "Once upon a time, a little girl was playing in her room and heard a loud noise . . ."  Each child in turn adds an outrageous sentence to our story until we all dissolve in giggles.  This game is especially good while riding in the car from their house to ours, which takes about an hour and fifteen minutes.  Some of those outlandish stories still make me smile as I type this!

Well, you get the idea!  Grandchildren just want our TIME and ATTENTION.  I can't romp and play with them for now, of course, but we can be together and I can show them I love them.

That's what being a grandma is all about.

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