Monday, March 25, 2013


To some, the words "Happy Monday" should never be used in close proximity to each other!  I submit, however, that once that cup of coffee is consumed, that hot shower is taken, and that makeup is applied, it is actually possible to face the day head on :).

I am not now, nor have I ever been, a MORNING PERSON.  I am blessed with the ability to sleep well and deeply, but that also means that it is more difficult for me to awaken and jump out of bed like my morning friends.  When I used to go to a job (I now work at home at my leisure), I would set the alarm for AT LEAST fifteen minutes prior to the time I HAD to get out of bed.  I'd also set the radio on a station that played soft, soothing music in order to gently awaken me from slumber. I cannot identify with those who can get up with an annoying buzzer or loud, marching band music at 5:00 A.M.!!  That would guarantee my having to buy a new clock radio, because I would surely hurl it across the room . . .

And while I'm at it, I don't have a high energy level, either.  Oh, I probably did when I was a child, but I don't ever recall having that "bubbling with energy" feeling.  I don't fidget, either.  I can sit at this computer for hours on end, never having to get up.  I know that is not good for me, but oh well . . . those who exercise strenuously tell me that once those endorphins kick in, I could climb Mt. Everest (or even a flight of stairs) with ease.  HAH!  I don't think my body even manufactures endorphins.

In any case, the dachshunds in this post understand how I feel first thing in the morning.  How about you?

I am thankful, however, that "this is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." 

And to quote a beautiful hymn, "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow." That makes everything worth it all, even for those of us who aren't morning people.

Blessed Monday to you, my friends! 

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