Friday, February 28, 2014


Doxie lovers, I did have my knee replacement surgery on February 4.  However, I also picked up a virus of some kind afterwards, with nausea, fever, chills, and misery. 

Came home from the hospital and was doing fine with my in-home physical therapy, although the low-grade fever has continued to plague me--I'm told that's not unusual after surgery.

On Saturday night, Feb. 22, I began having excruciating pain in my leg, almost to the point of being unbearable.  Clark called the rescue squad and they took me to the ER.  After tests, X-rays, and a scan, they determined that nothing was wrong with my new knee (I was afraid something had come loose--that's how badly it hurt).  I was suffering from muscle spasms!  I never knew such could hurt that badly.

They put me on strong painkillers and muscle relaxers, and sent me home.  I could hardly put any weight on that leg for the next couple of days because the muscles were so sore.

Followed up with my ortho doctor on Monday to have my staples removed, and he said that some patients do develop those spasms after surgery (oh, lucky me!).  They can come and go, and I sincerely hope they have "come and gone."

I begin outpatient physical therapy on Monday.  I am making progress, but it is difficult for me to sit at my computer very long with my leg down (I don't have a laptop).  So I will try to get back to visiting with you as often as I can as I progress back to normalcy.

I am doing better at this writing.  Duke has been my constant companion, staying as close to me as he possibly can, and I don't know what I would have done without my dear hubby Clark.  He truly is an angel.  Blessings to all!

My dear Duke staying by my side

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