Thursday, November 14, 2013


Here's the latest version of my personal business card--in perusing Vistaprint's catalog of cards, I saw the artwork on this one, and I was hooked--the dawg is PERFECT, and really looks like Duke.  I included less information than on my previous cards, following the motto of "less is more" (that works well for makeup, too!). 

I dislike marketing my books in person, especially to strangers.  Maybe I'm an introvert after all (don't faint, family members!).  I don't even like to mention my books in conversation to people I know!  (Other author friends tell me the same thing.)  However, I don't mind leaving my card at various places, because I don't feel that I'm making others feel obligated to buy my books.  If they want to buy them, they will.  Of course, if I were more pushy, perhaps more books would be sold, but that's just not my way.

In any case, I like my new business card, so I decided to share it :).

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